Science Exam



Selected statements shall be answered True or False.  Please note that the statements making up those examinations may or may not be related to any summary that you have submitted for this subject. 

Students sending answers for this science examination through email please uses the following format: Sc. 01(T) or Sc. 01(F).



It is required that 20 questions are selected for each exam, the student must correctly answer a minimum of 15 to approve the subject. If less than 15 correctly answered, the student must select the same number of questions failed from the list to complete 15. Example: you correctly answered 12, therefore you need 3 more correct answers to approve the subject. You may continue your selection as many times needed until approval.

Sc.01. Photosynthesis is the chemical process of using energy in sunlight to produce glucose.

Sc.02.Glucose and oxygen are products of the photosynthesis reaction.

Sc.03. Plants do not use Photosynthesis.

Sc.04. Velocity is defined as an object’s speed in a given direction. Velocity is positive when an object is moving forward and negative when the object is moving in reverse.

Sc.05. Centrifugation is the process of spinning a solution at high speed to separate the solution’s components by density. Centrifugation is often used to isolate the specific components of a blood sample for further analysis.

Sc.06. Ocean currents are streams of water that flow in continuous, directed paths within the ocean. Currents moving through the upper 400 meters of the ocean are classified as surface currents. Currents that flow at greater depths are classified as deep water currents.

Sc.07. A genetic carrier is an individual who has one copy of the gene for a recessive genetic disease and one healthy gene. Since two copies of the disease gene are required to produce the disease, a carrier does not have the disease but can pass on the gene to children.

Sc.08. Mitosis is the process of dividing a cell’s nuclear material to produce two identical daughter cells. During mitosis, the cell contains two copies, or pairs, of each chromosome. This chromosome pairs line up and then separate, so that each of the daughter cell will receive one complete set of chromosomes.

Sc.09. The process of natural selection allows species to become better adapted to survive in their environment over time

Sc.10. Earthquakes occur most frequently along the boundaries of tectonic plates. When the pressure built up at a plate boundary becomes too great, energy is released in the form of an earthquake.

Sc.11. Fossil fuels are fuels derived from the fossils remains of dead organisms. Coal, oil, and natural gas are all fossil fuels.

Sc.12. The iris contains the muscles that contract and relax to regulate the size of the pupil. When the iris contracts, the pupil gets smaller. Conversely, when the iris relaxes, the pupil enlarges.

Sc.13. Osteoporosis is a condition related to the lack of calcium in the bones.

Sc.14. If blood calcium levels are always low, the body will always be trying to raise calcium levels. One way to raise blood calcium is to remove calcium from the bones and this could eventually cause osteoporosis.

Sc.15. Human liver could be successfully transplanted.

Sc.16. All living things are made of one or more cells.

Sc.17. Cells are the smallest unit of structure and function in all living things.

Sc.18. The body is made up of several organ systems. Heart, blood vessels, and blood are part of the cardiovascular system.

Sc.19. Metabolism is the name for the set of chemical reactions that use the energy from food to build substances the cell needs.

Sc.20. Cells reproduce by a process called cell division. In this process, the parent’s cell divides into two identical daughter’s cells.

Sc.21. Enzymes are proteins that help chemical reactions to occur faster. Without enzymes, a cell would not be able to produce needed substances fast enough.

Sc.22. Meiosis is a special type of cell division that produces reproductive cells. The reproductive cells are commonly known as eggs and sperm which unite to produce the first body cell of a new organism.

Sc.23. A gene is a segment of DNA.

Sc.24. A normal human body contains 46 total chromosomes.

Sc.25. An adaptation is a trait shared by all members of a species that helps them survive or reproduce in their unique environment. Natural selection leads to adaptations.

Sc.26. Homeostasis is the body’s ability to adjust to external changes while maintaining a stable internal environment.

Sc.27. Pathogens are microorganisms or viruses that cause disease.

Sc.28. Pathogens can enter the body through body fluids, cuts and scratches, or needle punctures.

Sc.29. All bacteria in the body are pathogens.

Sc.30. The energy needed by the body is measured in calories.

Sc.31. All atoms are made up of the same three basic particles: protons, electrons, and neutrons.

Sc.32. Protons have a positive charge, and electrons have a negative charge. Neutrons do not have a charge.

Sc.33. A chemical formula is a combination of symbols that represents the elements in a compound. For example, the formula for carbon dioxide is CO2.

Sc.34. Chemical Equations summarizes what happens in chemical reactions.

Sc.35. Water is the most common solvent. In solutions where water is the solvent, the mixture formed is called an aqueous solution.

Sc.36. Energy exists in many forms, such as chemical energy, electrical energy, radiant energy, mechanical energy, nuclear energy, thermal energy, etc.

Sc.37. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; however, it can be converted from one form to another.

Sc.38. Energy that is produced by the movement of electrically charged particles is called electromagnetic radiation.

Sc.39. Our solar system is made up of the sun and all the objects that orbit the sun. After the sun, the largest objects in the solar system are the planets.

Sc.40. A galaxy is a massive group of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter held together by gravity. Our solar system is part of the Milky Way Galaxy, along with about 200 billion other stars. Our sun is a star.

Sc.41. A star is a ball of gas that produces its own light and heat.

Sc.42. Mercury is the farthest planet to the sun in our solar system.

Sc.43. Asteroids are another type of objects in the solar system. An asteroid is a large, irregularly shaped chunk of rock.

Sc.44. Comets are made up of frozen gases and dust particles and are usually smaller than asteroids.

Sc.45. Moons are static objects around a planet.

Sc.46. Gravity is the attraction of everybody to every other body due to the masses of each body. It also depends on the distances: the closer the bodies, the greater the force.

Sc.47. Gravity keeps the moon going around the Earth, the Earth going around the Sun, and the Sun going around the center of the Milky Way.

Sc.48. Gravity is the force that governs motion in the universe.

Sc.49. If you double the mass of one body, the gravitational force between them is also doubled.

Sc.50. An object would travel in a straight line with a constant speed if it were not for the gravitational attraction of a massive body.